Jexpo Exam
JEXPO (West Bengal Polytechnic Entrance) is a state-level entrance exam conducted by West Bengal State Council of Technical Education. JEXPO is conducted to provide admission to undergraduate Diploma courses in Engineering & Technology offered in the various government/private polytechnic institutions of West Bengal.
Jexpo Exam dates: month of April normally. Adviced to keep an eye at webscte.co.in.
JEXPO 2020 Exam Pattern : Exam will be in offline (pen and paper test) mode on OMR sheet.
The medium of Examination: Bangali and English. The exam will be conducted on two sessions .
Paper-1: It will be conducted for Mathematics.
Paper-2: It will be conducted for Physics and Chemistry subjects.
Type of Questions: Objective Type Question
Total Questions: 100 Question
Total Marks: 100 Marks (One Marks for each Question)
50 questions will be asked in Mathematics (Paper-1).
50 questions will be asked in Physics and Chemistry (Paper-2), i.e. 25 for each subject.
Duration: 2 Hours (120 mins) for each exam
Marking: For each correct answer +1 mark will be given. There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer.
Syllabus : The whole syllabus comprise of the 10th class syllabus. Candidates have to study mathematics (for first paper), chemistry and physics (for second paper) subjects.
Mathematics Syllabus:
Real Numbers, Laws of Indices, Graph, Co-ordinate Geometry – Distance Formula,Linear Simultaneous Equations, Transversal & Mid-Point Theorem, Profit & Loss, Statistics, Theorems on Area, Construction of a Parallelogram whose measurement of one angle is given and equal in area of a Triangle.Construction of a Triangle equal in area of a quadrilateral, Properties of Parallelogram, Polynomial, Factorisation, Area & Perimeter of Triangle & Quadrilateral shaped region, Circumference of Circle, Co-ordinate Geometry – Internal and External Division of Straight Line Segment, Co-ordinate Geometry – Area of Triangular Region, Logarithm, Theorems on concurrence, Area of circular region. Quadratic Equations with one variable, Simple Interest, Ratio and Proportion, Compound Interest and Uniform Rate of Increase or Decrease, Theorems related to circle, Rectangular Parallelopiped or Cuboid, Theorems related to Angles in a Circle, Right Circular Cylinder, Quadratic Surd, Partnership Business, Theorems related to Tangent to a Circle, Right Circular Cone, Similarity, Construction of tangent to a circle, Theorems related to Cyclic Quadrilateral, Construction of circumcircle and incircle of a triangle, Sphere, Variation. Real life Problems related to different Solid Objects, Trigonometry- Concept of Measurment of Angle, Construction – Determination of Mean Proportional, Trigonometric Ratios of Complementrary angle, Application of Trigonometric Ratios – Heights & Distances, Statistics – Mean, Median, Ogive, Mode and Numerical Aptitude, Pythagoras Theorem, Trigonometric Ratios and Trigonometric Identities.
Physical Science Syllabus:
Measurement, Force & Motion, Matter – Structure and Properties, Solution, Acids, Bases & Salts, Atomic Structure, Mole Concept, Work, Power & Energy, Sound, Heat, Separation of Components of Mixtures, Water. Concerns about our Environment, Behaviour of Gases, Light, Ionic and Covalent Bonding, Chemical Calculations, Thermal Phenomena, Current Electricity, Periodic Table and Periodicity of the Properties of Elements, Electricity and Chemical Reactions, Metallurgy, Atomic Nucleus, Organic Chemistry and General Awareness. Inorganic Chemistry in the Laboratory and in Industry.