Speak English fluently
Does speaking English put you into a panic? Students often say they forget everything because they get nervous when they’re speaking English. Most people are afraid of making mistakes or afraid that no one will understand them. It’s this fear that stops some people from speaking at all. Your goal for speaking English should be to communicate your message. At initial stage of learning you may not be able to say a perfect sentence, but don't be afraid of mistakes! A mistake is not always going stop people from understanding you.
As your learning progresses you will be overjoyed when you realize other people understand you when you’re speaking English even with mistakes. Every time you are able to communicate with someone in English, you will feel better about your English speaking skills. You will improve with practice, so it’s important to keep trying.
Speak English with Confidence
How can you build your confidence?
Listen: The more English you hear, the easier it will be for you to copy what you hear.
Practice: The more you speak, the more comfortable you will feel about speaking. Start with easy things. Ask questions at a store. Ask where you can find something, even if you already know. Say hello to the bus driver. Just open your mouth and talk whenever you can.
Stop worrying about making mistakes: We all make mistakes. Your message is most important. If the other person understands you, it’s not important how many mistakes you make.
Practicing and improving your English skills with us. It will give you the courage and confidence you need when you are speaking English to other people.
To speak confidently you need knowledge of vocabulary, sentence structure, pronunciation, and finally listening comprehension to understand the other person so you can reply. Take up a course with us and you will be practicing all of this in our activities while you are practicing speaking English.
Listen to People Speaking English in Video Stories
The first step to more confident speaking skills is lots of listening. You need to get the sound of English conversation in your head. In our online classes many short video episodes are there. You will hear different people speaking English in everyday conversations, exactly the kind of language you need to improve your spoken English. During the unit, you will study the vocabulary and grammar of the language in the videos.
Practice Speaking English Word by Word
You will begin your practice of speaking English with the key vocabulary words in each unit. Besides learning the meaning, pronunciation, and spelling of the 12 to 20 key words in each unit, you will also practice pronouncing the words by listening, speaking with our teacher, and then comparing your pronunciation with the native speaker's.
Practice Speaking English One Sentence at a Time
You will also practice saying some of the important sentences in the conversations from the videos. Always listen more than once. Listen to the pronunciation of the words and the rhythm of the sentence. When you are ready to try to say the sentence, click the Speak button and speak into your microphone. When you click Playback you will hear the native speaker again and your own voice. Do you like the way you sound? If not, repeat. You can click Speak and make a new recording to improve your English speaking skills as often as you want.