Php Programming Classes at Durgapur : 

Learn all  fundamentals of responve website development using PHP, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and MYSQL.

Web designing Concepts

  • Learn basic HTML Tags
  • Creating Static Web Pages
  • Tables & Frames
  • Learn how to manage text,fonts and paragraphs
  • Hyperlinks & relative URL

Styling through CSS

  • Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
  • Basic Format of CSS
  • External CSS
  • inline CSS and style block
  • How to manage DIV,span and Layout
  • CSS3 Effects

Java Script

  • Introduction to Java Script
  • Java Script Validations
  • Handling Form Elements
  • Managing Run time CSS by Java Script
  • External JS
  • Menus

Receiving data from HTML Forms

  • Form creation
  • Understanding method $_GET , $_POST and $_REQUEST
  • Receiving Data at Server
  • Sending Artificial data from HTML
  • Formatted Response by PHP
  • Dynamic data manipulation
  • Handling Null Values
  • Generating Dynamic Web Page by HTML Input

Basic Programming in PHP

  • PHP Scripting Blocks
  • How to embed in HTML
  • Data Types & Variable Declaretion
  • Conditional Statements
  • Looping Constructs while,for etc

PHP Functions

  • Why to create Functions
  • Defining Functions
  • Variable Scope
  • Passing parameter to Functions
  • Returning Values
  • Global variable
  • Passing Arguments by Value and Reference
  • The include, include_once and Require Statement
  • Difference between include and Require
  • Built-in PHP Functions

PHP Array

  • What are Arrays?
  • Character & Numeric Indexing
  • Auto Indexing
  • Counting & Sorting Array Elements
  • Array Search
  • Array Functions
  • Sending Array from static Page
  • Handling HTML Form Data as an Array

Working with PHP Sessions

  • Session Overview
  • How Session Work
  • Global Session Variables
  • Session and Array
  • Expiring Session
  • Session Storage

Files in PHP

  • Reading Files
  • Writing Files
  • File Functiond
  • Creating Directory


Configuring and Using MySQL

  • Fetching MySQL data from PHP forms
  • Creating registration forms
  • managing Secure Login Screens
  • Receiving Character and numeric indexes
  • Learn PHP SQL Functions
  • Implementation of all crud operation
  • Search data in MySQL
  • PHP Paging script

Working with Databases and Forms

  • Introduction to PHP MyAdmin Panel
  • PHP Database Creation
  • Understanding table structure
  • Go through with SQL Queries
  • crud operation in mysql
  • Handling multiple tables in PHP-MySQL
  • MySQL Joins and Views
  • Importing and Exporting data through SQL script
  • Connectivity to remote server

Using Cookies with PHP

  • Purpose of Cookies
  • Setting Cookies
  • Retrieving Cookies